We have been in salies de bearn about a month now and been having a great time. Weve been getting to know the locals and even got invited to a party at an Australian blokes chateau which was good. Everyone is still so friendly here and seem to love giving us free drinks in all the bars!
We’ve had a bit of a nightmare with Jess on heat and attracting every dog in town. We had one dog with us for more than 24 hours sleeping outside the van waiting for Jess ‘the babe magnet’ (as she is now known in this town) and we had to take it to the town mayors office to get rid of it! The mayor seems to deal with everything in french towns. Including the non existent police.
We went to spain for a couple of days as we are near the border but the weather turned out really bad so we didn't see alot. We drove through san sebastian,bilbao etc then stayed by the beach. On the way back into France we went to Bayonne which is now our favourite French city and has completely shown us a new side to France and french people. Its the capital of the basque region and even has its own language! it seems to be where all the younger cultured french people live which is reflected in the bars, shops, music scene and the fact that more people can speak some English here than anywhere else we've been in France. We had a night out with some french people we met in a pub who couldnt wait to practise their English all night. Then One of them did a fire poy show at the end of night which was amazing!