Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We headed north from la londe to a place we thought would be a bit cooler for Jess and ended up in a highly dodgy city called St Nazaire(dont go there) but we stayed briefly due to the cheap internet access. we stayed in a neighbouring town called st Michel chef chef for health and safety reasons and it was a million miles away from the slums of st Nazaire. Then we decided to explore some little towns on the west coast and have gradually worked our way south again and are in La Rochelle. This is definitely the most beutiful city weve seen here, with old stone buildings, arch lined pavements and brilliant coastal views. The centre of the city is focused around a mariner with quaint market stalls and lots of cafes and restaurants. Also lots of street performers some more terrible than others..(and yes you can buy an indian pan pipe cd off the street)

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